Tuesday 1 February 2011

Putting up the posters

In the meeting we decided that we should put up one design every week. When we decided I did not have my posters because they were on the computers at school not my memory stick so they only said that two would go up so I don't know when my posters will go up. In the double lesson before break we put up 20 of the 80 posters. At the start i reminded everybody that they could not go on walls and we cannot use blue tac but they were put on walls with blue tac so we had to go around taking them down and putting them were they should have went. When I placed the posters I always tryed to put them at eye level so they don't need to look down or up to see the posters. One place I put a poster was at the bottom of stairs on the door. I put them here because everybody uses the doors to get upstairs so they will all see it. I put them at the bottom of the stairs at eye level so it is readable if you are walking down the stairs.

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