Tuesday 1 February 2011

Poster restirictions

Before we could put up our posters we had to see if there was anything that we had to follow when we put them up. Before i started sending e-mails to people I had to talk to the people in the red family area to see if they knew who we had to e-mail to see the restrictions we would have to use. They said that i could e-mail Mrs. Bryant and ask her if she knew any and they also said that i could e-mail her about if she had any white tac because they said that i might not be able to use blue tac. I e-mailed her and in the e-mail i put in if she knew any thing about where we could and could not put the poster and asking if she has any white tac to put up the posters with. The message she sent back said that she did not know of any restrictions and that we should defiantly not use blue tac.

When i got an e-mail back she also said that i should e-mail Mrs. Peace and ask if she knows if there are any restrictions about putting posters up around the school so i sent her an e-mail to see if it was ok to put some up.

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