Tuesday 11 January 2011

11th January meeting minuets


Meeting Minutes
11th January 2011
The regular meeting of the Year 11 Creative and Media Team was called to order at 8.50 am on 11th January in Y16 held by SG.

SG, GD, OS, AC, DW, RM, AS, TH, JC, JB, ACurry, B’OF, SN, S’OB, AL.

A. Agenda
1. The teams need to ensure they have acknowledged the new focus of anti bullying and need to modify their existing documents to suit the new focus.
2. Make sure that everyone is sticking to their schedule and have made modifications to suit the new focus.
3. Each team has made sure that they know what they are doing and are determined to do well.

B. Minutes
1. Billboards have made new plans to suit the new focus. Websites have to redesign their site. GD reminded the class that we have loads of work to be getting on with. Speakers have made a power point to promote the campaign. Posters have made designs and have finished. Marketing team have been getting info from the pastoral office about anti bullying and have to produce a charter. Film have produced their teaser film and are going to show it in the year 9 assembly.

C. Action

D. Agenda for Next Meeting

Meeting was adjourned at 9.16 by SG. The next general meeting will be held at 9.00 on 11th January in Y16.

Minutes submitted by: SG
Approved by: GD

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