Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Today in the last lesson of the day the market research team fed back from their meeting with Miss Harris. She said that because the diploma is not going to be continued next year we have to change our campaigns focus to something else. After a small meeting we decide our focus should change to anti-bullying. Our slogan was also changed to "how would you feel". This means that the 2 draft posters and the teaser poster that was being photocopied for distribution will not be used. The poster team is still going to be used but we now make posters about the different types of bullying and any other part of bullying that needs to be addressed. Another thing fed back form the meeting with Miss Harris was that the use of facebook for advertising to year 9's would not be allowed under any circumstances because of the amount of bullying on the site. In our campaign we may mention facebook and give tips to students about how they can avoid bullying on the site and advise on how to cope with it if they are. We have also decided that we could have a drop in centre open for a little while so that people that have been or are being bullied can talk to other students instead of teachers if they want to. Before we were told we had to change our focus I made one draft poster and 1 teaser poster. The draft poster I made was using the uniform font we decided would be "Century gothic" and the logo witch we said would be on everything we make is in the bottom right corner. There is a picture of the cover of the booklet that we got at the start of the campaign on it. I have annotated the poster writing why I used everything I put on the poster. The other poster I made was a teaser poster to create anticipation about the campaign. The aim of the poster was to let people know we were going to do something and that they should get ready. The teaser poster was a picture of some Silhouetted people dancing. I used this picture because it shows off our team’s creativity while keeping who the team is a secret. Below the picture was the words "Lights, camera, action" I put that in the poster because that was our slogan. The only other thing I put in the poster was the logo because that must be in everything we make so that it is recognisable.
meeting minuets 14/12/10
The regular meeting of the year 11 creative and media team was called to order at 9.00 and was headed by TH. The meeting took place in Y16.
BO'F, JC, JB, Acurry, AL, AS, DW, PF, AC, RM, SO, TH, SO'B
1. Importance of the logo / font being even
2. Discussion of schedules for campaign
3. Update from all teams
4. Results from questionnaire
1. SO'B decided to use AL's memory stick and pass the logo to each member of the team because the e-mail did not reach everyone.
2. Every team has no schedule. DW suggested a table that has every teams schedule on it for the weeks until the year 9 options evening.
3. SO'B and AL put forward the idea of creating an advert during the week. Poster team suggested making several poster designed and showing them to the class. RM suggested the use of fabric on the billboard. PF suggested an overview of the campaign showing on the website.
Promotion team suggests to have several ideas assembles with year 9.
1. SO'B to ensure everybody gets the logo off of AL's memory stick.
2. Each team to make a written schedule by lunch time so they can then present it to the rest of the team. Promotion team to make a template schedule for all other teams to use when they make theirs.
3. By the end of the week - Television team have an advert ready for test screen on 4th January 2011 with year 9's. AS and BO'F have worked out several ideas to present to the whole campaign team by the end of the day. RM to talk to Miss Shaw Giles about fabric painting. PC and AC must have a blog on moodle and campaign website by the end of the day. Promotion team has to generate ideas for year 9 assembly. Market research team must be ready for meeting with Miss Harris at lunch.
BO'F, JC, JB, Acurry, AL, AS, DW, PF, AC, RM, SO, TH, SO'B
1. Importance of the logo / font being even
2. Discussion of schedules for campaign
3. Update from all teams
4. Results from questionnaire
1. SO'B decided to use AL's memory stick and pass the logo to each member of the team because the e-mail did not reach everyone.
2. Every team has no schedule. DW suggested a table that has every teams schedule on it for the weeks until the year 9 options evening.
3. SO'B and AL put forward the idea of creating an advert during the week. Poster team suggested making several poster designed and showing them to the class. RM suggested the use of fabric on the billboard. PF suggested an overview of the campaign showing on the website.
Promotion team suggests to have several ideas assembles with year 9.
1. SO'B to ensure everybody gets the logo off of AL's memory stick.
2. Each team to make a written schedule by lunch time so they can then present it to the rest of the team. Promotion team to make a template schedule for all other teams to use when they make theirs.
3. By the end of the week - Television team have an advert ready for test screen on 4th January 2011 with year 9's. AS and BO'F have worked out several ideas to present to the whole campaign team by the end of the day. RM to talk to Miss Shaw Giles about fabric painting. PC and AC must have a blog on moodle and campaign website by the end of the day. Promotion team has to generate ideas for year 9 assembly. Market research team must be ready for meeting with Miss Harris at lunch.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
7th December meeting minuets
The meeting we had on the 7th December started at 9:20. BO’F, JC, JB, ACurry, AL, SN, AS, DW, PF, AC, SG, OS, RM, SO, TH SO’B was present at the meeting.
1. Interview GD about her requirements for the campaign.
2. Scan logo and distribute to all members of campaign.
3. Collate information gathered from the questionnaire.
4. Discuss what teams we need for our campaign.
5. Decide who is going to be in these teams.
6. Teams to work out schedule and feedback to SG.
7. Discuss the house style.
1. We must consider the way the diploma is structured.
2. TH and SO’B scanned the logo witch will appear on all documents.
3. JB, JC and ACurry told the class about the information they got from the questionnaire. Television, posters and billboards were the most effective forms of advertising. Facebook was the most popular website so we will have a meeting with Mrs. Harries to see if we can advertise on it. It was also suggested that we should add questions about what the year 9's want in the next questionnaire.
4. It was suggested that to spit the workload we should create three advertising groups: posters, digital posters and billboards.
5. It was suggested that we should make a blog about our campaign.
6. The teams and sub-teams have been decided and they are:
Television – AL, SN & SO’B,
Posters – BO’F & AS,
Billboards – OS & RM,
Website – PF & AC,
Spokesperson – JC, ACurry & JB and
Promote Talker – TH, DW & SO.
SG will supervise all teams.
7. I suggested that when all the posters have been finished they should all be show to year 9's so they can pick the one they like the most.
8. The colours we will use are: white, black and red. The font will be Century Gothic
1. TH and SO’B will e-mail everybody the logo.
2. JB, JC & ACurry will question year 9's about the questionnaire and what questions should be changed.
3. Everybody will work in these teams during the campaign.
4. Everybody is happy with their teams.
5. Regular meetings will be held to discuss progress.
Today we all decided on the teams that we will be in. I am in the psoter team. We will have to make some posters over the course of the campaign and keep updating them and releacing new ones.
1. Interview GD about her requirements for the campaign.
2. Scan logo and distribute to all members of campaign.
3. Collate information gathered from the questionnaire.
4. Discuss what teams we need for our campaign.
5. Decide who is going to be in these teams.
6. Teams to work out schedule and feedback to SG.
7. Discuss the house style.
1. We must consider the way the diploma is structured.
2. TH and SO’B scanned the logo witch will appear on all documents.
3. JB, JC and ACurry told the class about the information they got from the questionnaire. Television, posters and billboards were the most effective forms of advertising. Facebook was the most popular website so we will have a meeting with Mrs. Harries to see if we can advertise on it. It was also suggested that we should add questions about what the year 9's want in the next questionnaire.
4. It was suggested that to spit the workload we should create three advertising groups: posters, digital posters and billboards.
5. It was suggested that we should make a blog about our campaign.
6. The teams and sub-teams have been decided and they are:
Television – AL, SN & SO’B,
Posters – BO’F & AS,
Billboards – OS & RM,
Website – PF & AC,
Spokesperson – JC, ACurry & JB and
Promote Talker – TH, DW & SO.
SG will supervise all teams.
7. I suggested that when all the posters have been finished they should all be show to year 9's so they can pick the one they like the most.
8. The colours we will use are: white, black and red. The font will be Century Gothic
1. TH and SO’B will e-mail everybody the logo.
2. JB, JC & ACurry will question year 9's about the questionnaire and what questions should be changed.
3. Everybody will work in these teams during the campaign.
4. Everybody is happy with their teams.
5. Regular meetings will be held to discuss progress.
Today we all decided on the teams that we will be in. I am in the psoter team. We will have to make some posters over the course of the campaign and keep updating them and releacing new ones.
30th November meeting minuets
The meeting we had on the 30th November was the first meeting we had and it started at 9:30. OS, PF, SG, AC, RM, AS, BO’F, JC, TH, AC, JB, SN, AL, and SO’B was at the meeting.
We had 8 things to discuss in the meeting
1. The creation of a team name for the creative and media year 11 group.
2. The creation of a logo for the creative and media year 11 group.
3. To elect a chair person to manage the campaign.
4. To discuss the questions for the year 9 questionnaire.
5. To discuss the layout of the year 9 questionnaire.
6. To discuss the distribution of the year 9 questionnaire.
7. Interview GD about the requirements of the campaign.
8. To collate the information gathered from the year 9 questionnaire.
1. Everybody fed back their ideas about a name and a logo for the campaign. Everybody decided on the name "YounganCreative" and the logo for the campaign is a Y with a C below it hanging off the Y to show how we work together. We also decided on a slogan to go with the campaign. The slogan is "Lights, camera, action".
2. Everybody decided that the chair person should be SG.
3. Everybody fed back their question ideas.
1. The logo will appear on everything to do with the campaign from now on.
2. AL, BO’F and TH will design the logo.
3. SG will write every minuets and chair every meeting from now on. 4. AC, JC and JB will be in the market research team.
5. layout-marketing team will decide layout and finalize ASAP
6. The questionnaires will be distributed on the 2ed December.
7. JB, JC and ACurry will collate the information and feedback during next week’s lesson.
We had 8 things to discuss in the meeting
1. The creation of a team name for the creative and media year 11 group.
2. The creation of a logo for the creative and media year 11 group.
3. To elect a chair person to manage the campaign.
4. To discuss the questions for the year 9 questionnaire.
5. To discuss the layout of the year 9 questionnaire.
6. To discuss the distribution of the year 9 questionnaire.
7. Interview GD about the requirements of the campaign.
8. To collate the information gathered from the year 9 questionnaire.
1. Everybody fed back their ideas about a name and a logo for the campaign. Everybody decided on the name "YounganCreative" and the logo for the campaign is a Y with a C below it hanging off the Y to show how we work together. We also decided on a slogan to go with the campaign. The slogan is "Lights, camera, action".
2. Everybody decided that the chair person should be SG.
3. Everybody fed back their question ideas.
1. The logo will appear on everything to do with the campaign from now on.
2. AL, BO’F and TH will design the logo.
3. SG will write every minuets and chair every meeting from now on. 4. AC, JC and JB will be in the market research team.
5. layout-marketing team will decide layout and finalize ASAP
6. The questionnaires will be distributed on the 2ed December.
7. JB, JC and ACurry will collate the information and feedback during next week’s lesson.
campaign poster resurch
Almost all of a campaigns posters have a logo on them. The logo they use is on all of the things they make. They put their logo on everything they make as a logo is an easy way to identify what campaign it is, what they are campaigning for and who their target audience is. We have made a logo so I will put it on every thing I make for the campaign including the poster that I have to make.
A lot of successful campaign posters are simple. They don’t have much detail on them. Most of them hade one picture relating to the campaign and a small amount of text describing the campaign. I will use this idea on one of my posters. I will keep one simple and the other one will be a different design. Once I have made both I think we should get all of the posters and show them to year 9’s to see what one they think is better.
Some posters that are released early in a campaign are just a picture covering the whole poster with one or no words written over the top to build up the campaign before it is released. I cannot use this idea because our campaign is to try to make year 9 students pick creative and media for their options and they pick them in February. It is December and we break up for Christmas soon so we cannot have a build up to the campaign because if we do we will not be able to promote the campaign for long enough to make it effective.
The campaigns I researched were only using a few colours for example on poster was using the coulors red, white and blue and because they use the same coulors is every poster it makes it very easy to identify them. I can use that idea because our group has already come up with some coulors that they would like to use in the campaign. The coulors that we will use are: white, black and red. If we use these coulors on everything we make to do with the campaign then people will recognise it quickly so when we release the next poster or billboard everybody who looks at it will know that it is from our campaign because of the constant colour scheme we use.
The fonts and size of words we use in the campaign are also important. Fonts, coulors, size of words and format of the poster all fit together to create a house style. Like with the coulors in the poster if you have a constant house style the things you make for your campaign will be instantly recognisable and memorable. This is important for our campaign because the year 9 options evening is only three months away and if when the years 9’s are deciding they remember our advertising campaign then it could persuade them to pick creative and media. Because our logo has already been designed we have the basis for a house style and the posters I make will follow this house style.
One other thing that can make a campaign poster better is if you handwrite everything instead of making it on a computer. If you handwrite a poster instead of using a computer it shows that you have taken more care making it and are more dedicated to the campaign because you could have a mixture of posters on paper and posters that you made on the computer. This also shows that you are using a range of different mediums to get to your target audience making your campaign more effective. There is one downside to handwriting a poster and that is that it looks less professional and unless you are good at drawing the poster would not look as good as one made on a computer. I will still make a poster on paper because it shows I can use different mediums.
A lot of successful campaign posters are simple. They don’t have much detail on them. Most of them hade one picture relating to the campaign and a small amount of text describing the campaign. I will use this idea on one of my posters. I will keep one simple and the other one will be a different design. Once I have made both I think we should get all of the posters and show them to year 9’s to see what one they think is better.
Some posters that are released early in a campaign are just a picture covering the whole poster with one or no words written over the top to build up the campaign before it is released. I cannot use this idea because our campaign is to try to make year 9 students pick creative and media for their options and they pick them in February. It is December and we break up for Christmas soon so we cannot have a build up to the campaign because if we do we will not be able to promote the campaign for long enough to make it effective.
The campaigns I researched were only using a few colours for example on poster was using the coulors red, white and blue and because they use the same coulors is every poster it makes it very easy to identify them. I can use that idea because our group has already come up with some coulors that they would like to use in the campaign. The coulors that we will use are: white, black and red. If we use these coulors on everything we make to do with the campaign then people will recognise it quickly so when we release the next poster or billboard everybody who looks at it will know that it is from our campaign because of the constant colour scheme we use.
The fonts and size of words we use in the campaign are also important. Fonts, coulors, size of words and format of the poster all fit together to create a house style. Like with the coulors in the poster if you have a constant house style the things you make for your campaign will be instantly recognisable and memorable. This is important for our campaign because the year 9 options evening is only three months away and if when the years 9’s are deciding they remember our advertising campaign then it could persuade them to pick creative and media. Because our logo has already been designed we have the basis for a house style and the posters I make will follow this house style.
One other thing that can make a campaign poster better is if you handwrite everything instead of making it on a computer. If you handwrite a poster instead of using a computer it shows that you have taken more care making it and are more dedicated to the campaign because you could have a mixture of posters on paper and posters that you made on the computer. This also shows that you are using a range of different mediums to get to your target audience making your campaign more effective. There is one downside to handwriting a poster and that is that it looks less professional and unless you are good at drawing the poster would not look as good as one made on a computer. I will still make a poster on paper because it shows I can use different mediums.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
LO.1 well focused research on animal cruelty campaigns
The campaign I am researching is an animal cruelty campaign called the animal aid campaign. They we founded in 1977 and they campaign peacefully against all forms of animal cruelty. Their campaigns aim is to stop all forms of animal cruelty. The main message behind the campaign is to try to stop all forms of animal cruelty including trying to ban some sports that they also see as animal cruelty. The target audience of the campaign is anybody who cares about animal. This means they can be any age. They have made alot of campaigns aimed at different audiences including a few aimed at young people. In their campaigns they use alot of images of animals that have been affected by cruelty and try to shock the reader with the images. This is not just with the campaigns for young people but with every campaign they make. The strategy they use is to try to shock the reader into doing something about it. In the campaigns aimed at young people they try to get them to do something about it by saying that if they become a vegetarian it will help the animals. In one of their campaigns they put in a form that they can sign saying that they want to become a vegetarian. The campaign they made has been quite successful as they have managed to stop alot of thing that they thought were cruel to animals including:
- stopping Cambridge university building a primate research facility.
- making the shooting industry pay 20 million in unpaid tax bills
- blocked proposals for four reptile zoos
- stopped pig racing events
- Produced an anti-vivisection leaflet witch was used in a two hour GCSE English exam witch was sat by more than 430,000 pupils.
Compared to the other animal cruelty campaigns this on is targeting young people much more and it also a bigger campaign that is more active in the UK. They are funded by donations and when people buy things from there online shop.
- stopping Cambridge university building a primate research facility.
- making the shooting industry pay 20 million in unpaid tax bills
- blocked proposals for four reptile zoos
- stopped pig racing events
- Produced an anti-vivisection leaflet witch was used in a two hour GCSE English exam witch was sat by more than 430,000 pupils.
Compared to the other animal cruelty campaigns this on is targeting young people much more and it also a bigger campaign that is more active in the UK. They are funded by donations and when people buy things from there online shop.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
LO.1 research on animal cruelty campaigns
While researching animal cruelty campaigns I found out that alot of the people making the campaigns try to shock the people looking at it. They tend to take the worst cases they find at the place they went to and tell the person reading that they can stop this if they donate money or sign up to something but alot of cases could be alot less serious.
For LO.1 we have to produce a presentation about the nature and purpose of campaigns. In the presentation we should include:
- The main message behind the campaign.
- The target audience for the campaign.
- The strategy of the campaign and the methods used to reach its target audience.
- The success of the campaign in achieving its aims.
- The main message behind the campaign.
- The target audience for the campaign.
- The strategy of the campaign and the methods used to reach its target audience.
- The success of the campaign in achieving its aims.
unit 5:campaign lo's
Lo.1: To understand the nature and purpose of campaigns.
Lo.2: Be able to prepare a campaign.
Lo.3: To be able to conduct a campaign.
Lo.4: To be able to monitor the preparation and conduct of a campaign.
Lo.2: Be able to prepare a campaign.
Lo.3: To be able to conduct a campaign.
Lo.4: To be able to monitor the preparation and conduct of a campaign.
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