Tuesday, 7 December 2010

30th November meeting minuets

The meeting we had on the 30th November was the first meeting we had and it started at 9:30. OS, PF, SG, AC, RM, AS, BO’F, JC, TH, AC, JB, SN, AL, and SO’B was at the meeting.

We had 8 things to discuss in the meeting

1. The creation of a team name for the creative and media year 11 group.
2. The creation of a logo for the creative and media year 11 group.
3. To elect a chair person to manage the campaign.
4. To discuss the questions for the year 9 questionnaire.
5. To discuss the layout of the year 9 questionnaire.
6. To discuss the distribution of the year 9 questionnaire.
7. Interview GD about the requirements of the campaign.
8. To collate the information gathered from the year 9 questionnaire.


1. Everybody fed back their ideas about a name and a logo for the campaign. Everybody decided on the name "YounganCreative" and the logo for the campaign is a Y with a C below it hanging off the Y to show how we work together. We also decided on a slogan to go with the campaign. The slogan is "Lights, camera, action".
2. Everybody decided that the chair person should be SG.
3. Everybody fed back their question ideas.


1. The logo will appear on everything to do with the campaign from now on.
2. AL, BO’F and TH will design the logo.
3. SG will write every minuets and chair every meeting from now on. 4. AC, JC and JB will be in the market research team.
5. layout-marketing team will decide layout and finalize ASAP
6. The questionnaires will be distributed on the 2ed December.
7. JB, JC and ACurry will collate the information and feedback during next week’s lesson.

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