Tuesday, 14 December 2010


Today in the last lesson of the day the market research team fed back from their meeting with Miss Harris. She said that because the diploma is not going to be continued next year we have to change our campaigns focus to something else. After a small meeting we decide our focus should change to anti-bullying. Our slogan was also changed to "how would you feel". This means that the 2 draft posters and the teaser poster that was being photocopied for distribution will not be used. The poster team is still going to be used but we now make posters about the different types of bullying and any other part of bullying that needs to be addressed. Another thing fed back form the meeting with Miss Harris was that the use of facebook for advertising to year 9's would not be allowed under any circumstances because of the amount of bullying on the site. In our campaign we may mention facebook and give tips to students about how they can avoid bullying on the site and advise on how to cope with it if they are. We have also decided that we could have a drop in centre open for a little while so that people that have been or are being bullied can talk to other students instead of teachers if they want to. Before we were told we had to change our focus I made one draft poster and 1 teaser poster. The draft poster I made was using the uniform font we decided would be "Century gothic" and the logo witch we said would be on everything we make is in the bottom right corner. There is a picture of the cover of the booklet that we got at the start of the campaign on it. I have annotated the poster writing why I used everything I put on the poster. The other poster I made was a teaser poster to create anticipation about the campaign. The aim of the poster was to let people know we were going to do something and that they should get ready. The teaser poster was a picture of some Silhouetted people dancing. I used this picture because it shows off our team’s creativity while keeping who the team is a secret. Below the picture was the words "Lights, camera, action" I put that in the poster because that was our slogan. The only other thing I put in the poster was the logo because that must be in everything we make so that it is recognisable.

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