Almost all of a campaigns posters have a logo on them. The logo they use is on all of the things they make. They put their logo on everything they make as a logo is an easy way to identify what campaign it is, what they are campaigning for and who their target audience is. We have made a logo so I will put it on every thing I make for the campaign including the poster that I have to make.
A lot of successful campaign posters are simple. They don’t have much detail on them. Most of them hade one picture relating to the campaign and a small amount of text describing the campaign. I will use this idea on one of my posters. I will keep one simple and the other one will be a different design. Once I have made both I think we should get all of the posters and show them to year 9’s to see what one they think is better.
Some posters that are released early in a campaign are just a picture covering the whole poster with one or no words written over the top to build up the campaign before it is released. I cannot use this idea because our campaign is to try to make year 9 students pick creative and media for their options and they pick them in February. It is December and we break up for Christmas soon so we cannot have a build up to the campaign because if we do we will not be able to promote the campaign for long enough to make it effective.
The campaigns I researched were only using a few colours for example on poster was using the coulors red, white and blue and because they use the same coulors is every poster it makes it very easy to identify them. I can use that idea because our group has already come up with some coulors that they would like to use in the campaign. The coulors that we will use are: white, black and red. If we use these coulors on everything we make to do with the campaign then people will recognise it quickly so when we release the next poster or billboard everybody who looks at it will know that it is from our campaign because of the constant colour scheme we use.
The fonts and size of words we use in the campaign are also important. Fonts, coulors, size of words and format of the poster all fit together to create a house style. Like with the coulors in the poster if you have a constant house style the things you make for your campaign will be instantly recognisable and memorable. This is important for our campaign because the year 9 options evening is only three months away and if when the years 9’s are deciding they remember our advertising campaign then it could persuade them to pick creative and media. Because our logo has already been designed we have the basis for a house style and the posters I make will follow this house style.
One other thing that can make a campaign poster better is if you handwrite everything instead of making it on a computer. If you handwrite a poster instead of using a computer it shows that you have taken more care making it and are more dedicated to the campaign because you could have a mixture of posters on paper and posters that you made on the computer. This also shows that you are using a range of different mediums to get to your target audience making your campaign more effective. There is one downside to handwriting a poster and that is that it looks less professional and unless you are good at drawing the poster would not look as good as one made on a computer. I will still make a poster on paper because it shows I can use different mediums.
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