Tuesday, 7 December 2010

7th December meeting minuets

The meeting we had on the 7th December started at 9:20. BO’F, JC, JB, ACurry, AL, SN, AS, DW, PF, AC, SG, OS, RM, SO, TH SO’B was present at the meeting.


1. Interview GD about her requirements for the campaign.
2. Scan logo and distribute to all members of campaign.
3. Collate information gathered from the questionnaire.
4. Discuss what teams we need for our campaign.
5. Decide who is going to be in these teams.
6. Teams to work out schedule and feedback to SG.
7. Discuss the house style.


1. We must consider the way the diploma is structured.

2. TH and SO’B scanned the logo witch will appear on all documents.

3. JB, JC and ACurry told the class about the information they got from the questionnaire. Television, posters and billboards were the most effective forms of advertising. Facebook was the most popular website so we will have a meeting with Mrs. Harries to see if we can advertise on it. It was also suggested that we should add questions about what the year 9's want in the next questionnaire.

4. It was suggested that to spit the workload we should create three advertising groups: posters, digital posters and billboards.

5. It was suggested that we should make a blog about our campaign.

6. The teams and sub-teams have been decided and they are:

Television – AL, SN & SO’B,
Posters – BO’F & AS,
Billboards – OS & RM,
Website – PF & AC,
Spokesperson – JC, ACurry & JB and
Promote Talker – TH, DW & SO.
SG will supervise all teams.

7. I suggested that when all the posters have been finished they should all be show to year 9's so they can pick the one they like the most.

8. The colours we will use are: white, black and red. The font will be Century Gothic


1. TH and SO’B will e-mail everybody the logo.
2. JB, JC & ACurry will question year 9's about the questionnaire and what questions should be changed.
3. Everybody will work in these teams during the campaign.
4. Everybody is happy with their teams.
5. Regular meetings will be held to discuss progress.

Today we all decided on the teams that we will be in. I am in the psoter team. We will have to make some posters over the course of the campaign and keep updating them and releacing new ones.

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