Meeting Minutes
1st February 2011
The regular meeting of the Year 11 Creative and Media Team was called to order at 9.00am on 1st February in Y16 held by SG.
SG, B’OF, AC, RM, DW, SO, TH, JC, ACurry, JB, SN, AL, S’OB, AS, OS.
A. Agenda
1. Marketing team will type up their minutes from Mrs Harries and stick to their schedule and LO4.
2. The billboards will continue making their billboard and getting help from various other students.
3. Websites will link up with Mark Fleet about the website going live and will continue their LO4s.
4. Posters will do as stated above.
5. Film will produce a storyboard and edit their existing film.
6. Speakers will help out with other projects and practise what they have to say at the Year 9 assembly, and feedback from the existing assemblies.
7. Mrs Ash’s meeting at lunchtime.
B. Minutes
1. JB, ACurry and JC will be helping B’OF put up posters and their LO4s and updating their blogs. TH rose with the question of what our actual finished product is going to be. SN, S’OB and AL came with the idea of a making a film. TH expanded and she said that the class should have a final product which involves making a movie that will be shown at lunchtime in the main hall involving all members of our team and the leadership team.
2. OS and RM have been finishing their billboard with the help of DW and TH and assured me that it will be up by the end of the day. AC will be helping today as they need the extra help.
3. AC and PF will be talking to Mark Fleet today and finishing off the website as they did not do so last week.
4. B’OF and AS will be putting up posters and the class have decided which ones going up first.
5. SN, S’OB and AL have been having technical problems and will sort their existing movie out today. They will be planning another film and hopefully filming today too.
6. The promoters showed the assembly to Mr Slater for his approval. TH gave the feedback of the assembly. Mrs Harries asked the promoters to do the assembly for all the other days. DW raises the point that it should be filmed for evidence.
7. At lunchtime, Mrs Ash will be holding a meeting with the other members of parliament to improve the anti bullying policy. Any members of the creative and media team are welcome to come with SG .
C. Action
1.Marketing team will be linking with the Poster team to put up posters and will be updating LO4s and blogs.
2. Billboard will be put up today.
3. Websites go to Mark Fleet today to sort out the website going live.
4. Posters are going to be putting up posters and their LO4s.
5. Film will be planning and hopefully filming today.
6. Promoters will be doing their LO4s and helping the others with any help that may be needed.
7. Anyone who wants to come to Mrs Ash’s room at lunch with SG is welcome too.
Meeting was adjourned at 9.30 by SG. The next general meeting will be held at 9.00 on 8th February in Y16.
Minutes submitted by: SG
Approved by: GD
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