Tuesday, 25 January 2011

25th January meeting minuets


Meeting Minutes
25th January 2011
The regular meeting of the Year 11 Creative and Media Team was called to order at 9.00am on 25th January in Y16 held by SG.

SG, B’OF, PF, AC, RM, DW, SO, TH, JC, ACurry, JB, SN, AL, S’OB, AS, OS.

A. Agenda
1. Feedback from meeting with Mrs Harries.
2. Billboards are going to start drawing up their A3 sketches of the banner and will show the class their progress in Miss Shaw-Giles’ lesson.
3. Websites are going to finish any outstanding work on the website and link with Mark Fleet about all the techy stuff.
4. Posters are going to check with reprographics if their posters are ready to be put up and will maybe start making new designs.
5. Film will start to make a storyboard and new designs for a new teaser video.
6. Speakers will book the hall for an assembly with the Year 9s.

B. Minutes

1.JB told the class that she showed Mrs Harries the materials the class have produced. JC, JB and ACurry went back on a Friday lunchtime to have a second meeting with Mrs Harries and she approved of everything. The only feedback that she gave was that our short teaser film should have a bit of an introduction. SN, S’OB and AL have assured the class that this will be done by the end of the day. ACurry told the class that Mrs Harries suggested that the video should be in the student briefing.
2.RM told the class that they have started their final billboard. OS seconded this. DW, TH, SO, and JB helped with this.
3. AC and PF have put interactive activities on their website and will link up with Mark Fleet regarding making the website go ‘live’.
4. B’OF and AS have still got to send their posters to reprographics, they were held back after waiting for it to be approved.
5. SN, S’OB and AL presented their film to the class. Everyone gave positive feedback. Today, they will edit their existing film and plan a storyboard for the next film.
6.The DW, TH and SO have booked the hall for the Year 9 assembly and have planned what they are going to say. The assembly will happen this week or next, depending on when they get the slot.
C. Action

1. Marketing team will type up their minutes from Mrs Harries and stick to their schedule and LO4.
2. The billboards will continue making their billboard and getting help from various other students.
3. Websites will link up with Mark Fleet about the website going live and will continue their LO4s.
4. Posters will do as stated above.
5. Film will produce a storyboard and edit their existing film.
6. Speakers will help out with other projects and practise what they have to say

Meeting was adjourned at 9.20 by SG. The next general meeting will be held at 9.00 on 1st February in Y16.

Minutes submitted by: SG
Approved by: GD

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